Jey's Stuff II

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Sunday, March 04, 2007


(ok, so I didn't post yesterday as promised, I'm sure you will cope)

I have much to blog about Canberra.
After Desci's exciting trip to Canberra, I had a trip of my own. Probably not as exciting considering I'd live there for my whole life and all, but it was still enjoyable.

Food and eating seemed to form a large part of it. I purchased some basil and sundried tomato bread from Deeks. Also indulging in some hazlenut biscuits. Before leaving, on Monday, I returned and tried 'the world's first gluten [and lactose] free meat pie'. Freakin' delicious.

Gran made me some rock cakes and the most divine chocolate nut torte. An awesome birthday cake indeed.

A visit to As Nature Intended at the Belconnen Markets involved the purchasement of Turtle Mountain Chocolate Obsession Icecream. Oh god! If you live in Canberra and you're vegan, lactose or gluten intolerant, buy this! Today!

It was excellent to see many of my friends. Chiara gave me a bottle of tequila, which was well utilised at my party. A million billion thanks to Flipe and Skye for letting me have it at their house and thanks to Casey for helping with invites.

Kerces gave me a book of 3024 Dirty Limericks. I read a great one at the party entitled 'The Feminist', which was somewhat appropriate to Kerces as it was about a journalist. Unfortunately, I can't find it again. So, here's another doozy from the crazy book:

The panties of old spinster Tweek
Dropped down in a mishap unique
At a twat exhibition-
It was judged mint condition
And it won the first prize for antique.

Adam and I had fun. It was fantastic watching Monty Python with him, Gran and Pop. Adam and Pop were laughing hysterically. The laughter of loved ones is so precious. Adam assisted me in buying food for my party and he didn't complain about not getting any of the junkfood. He helped carry heavy bags to the car without complaint. Adam also complimented my car - it was so sweet, "Pop's car isn't groovy like yours." He said for me to not tell Pop that he said that though.

Mum was, well, Mum, but she cheered up a bit on Monday. That was good :)

The house did not fall down around Andy in my absence. He successfully purchased a fridge and washing machine. He also bought a microwave but I contest the necessity of the purchase. My microwave was fine! The fridge is HUGE and I think we could both fit in it. Mum suggested that if we are ever poor and destitute we could live in the fridge.

There was a Samuel-Spotting, however I was saying goodbye to Mum at the time, as she got on the bus, so I couldn't get his autograph.

I'd forgotten how crazy Canberra busdrivers are. Nutters! Or, maybe Brisbane busdrivers are boring?

It was great to see those of you I did see (particularly awesome to see Julia and Lesley) and I look forward to seeing those of you I didn't in April! I think this time I might stay at Greg's, as he will be out of town and offered - it got a bit much staying at Gran and Pop's.

'Tis all.

"Well if you're not going to talk to me I'm going to talk to my orange" - Adam (my 14-year-old brother).

P.S March Porn Catalogue has arrived! Watch this space for funniest porn titles.

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At 4/3/07 13:35, Blogger Enny said...

Crazy me only just found out Deeks was at Pierce - right near Rama's where I luuuurve to eat! I'm gonna hafta investigate in there.

And I TOTALLY know what you mean about that icrecream... it's proddly best I live so far away from there!

At 5/7/12 17:14, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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